17 Charges

This topic describes the information to help the user quickly get acquainted with the different types of charge supported for account usage in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

The different types of charges supported are listed below:

Onetime Liquidity Management setup charges: These are one-time flat charges configured whenever a customer is on-boarded for liquidity management.

Structure Setup Charge: These are flat charges configured per account structure creation. Different charges can be setup based on the type of structure (Sweep, Pool, and Hybrid).

Maintenance Charges for Liquidity Management Usage: These are flat periodic charges configured for liquidity management usage.

Structure Maintenance Charges by Structure: These are flat periodic charges configured for account structure maintenance and are charged by structure. Different charges can be setup based on the type of structure (Sweep, Pool, and Hybrid).

Structure Maintenance Charges by Accounts: These are periodic tier or slab-based charges configured for account structure maintenance and are charged by number of accounts in a structure. Different charges can be setup based on the type of structure (Sweep, Pool, and Hybrid).

Structure Execution Charges based on number of sweep executions: These are periodic tier or slab-based charges configured based on number of sweep executions per structure. This is applicable only for sweep structures.

Tax on Charges: These are taxes which are configured on charges.

This topic contains the following subtopics: