2 Troubleshooting Kafka

This topic describes about the troubleshooting Kafka.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

2.1 Consumer Services

This topic describes about the Consumer Services.

Oracle Banking Liquidity Management consumer service can be referred at Async Application Program Interface Guide

2.2 Producer Services

This topic describes about the Producer Services.

Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Producer service can be referred at Async Application Program Interface Guide

2.3 Debugging Consumer/Producer health and troubleshooting

This topic describes about the Debugging Consumer/Producer health and troubleshooting.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

2.3.1 Logs to analyze

This topic describes about the Logs to analyze.

oblm-integration-services logs should be checked.

2.3.2 Tables to analyze

This topic describes about the Tables to analyze.

The below table provides the values to be verified to confirm accurate functioning of the consumer/producer service.

Table 2-1 Tables to analyze

Table Name Column Name Possible Values
lmx_tb_event_log is_published The available options are:
  • Y - Published
  • N - Not published
  • E - Error and won’t be published as it reached the max retry set by customer
plato_eventhub_in_log - -
plato_eventhub_out_log status SENT - Published successfully

2.4 Configurations

This topic describes about the Configurations.

For kafka setup, refer to Oracle Banking Microservices Platform Foundation Installation Guide and for the application-level setup, all the properties are declared in the yaml file of integration services.