Data Segment

This topic describes the systematic instructions of data segment.

A data segment, as the name suggests is an individual block of data. Bringing in data segments allows to break down a huge process into smaller units, which makes easier to update, maintain and process. Business Process will consist of such several data segments that makes up the stage.

Business Process Definition enables the user to perform the following:

To configure the Business Process Definition enables the user to perform the following:

  1. Select the stage in which to add the data segments.
  2. Click

    to data segments in the respective stage.
    The Data Segments screen displays.
  3. Click Add to add the selected data segments.

    The Create Business Process with Date Segments screen is displayed with data segment added.

    Figure 1-15 Create Business Process with added Data Segments

    The System allows to re-sequence the data segment by dragging and dropping over the specific data segment.

  4. Click

    from the added data segment tile to edit the properties.

    The edit properties screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-16 Edit Data Segment Properties

  5. From the Preview section, you can preview the appearance of the selected data segment.
  6. From the Settings section, select whether the data segment is mandatory.
  7. Select whether the data segment is editable.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Drag and Drop the data segment tile to control the sequence order. Based on set position it will appears in the respective stages.
  10. Click Save to save the changes.