2 Initiating Current Account Opening Process

This topic describes the information on the defined stages through which the Current Account Application has to flow before it is ready to be sent to the Host for Account Creation.

As detailed in the Operations User Guide, the account opening applications of all product are initiated in the application initiation stage from the Product Catalogue. The Cart Operation in Product Catalogue allows to originate, Single or Multiple Product initiation. Once the current account product origination process is initiated either by a single product origination or multiple product selection, the process orchestrator generates the current account process reference number on submit of application initiation stage. The process orchestrator updates the record in the free task process for the ‘Application Entry’ stage and is referred to as task from the orchestrator perspective.

To acquire and edit respective stage:
  1. From Home screen, click Tasks. Under Tasks, click Free Tasks.

    The Free Tasks screen is displayed.

  2. Click Acquire & Edit from the Actions column against the stage which user wants to update.

The Current Account Origination Process flow comprises of the below stages and the detailed information of the same is available in the below sections: