2.1.4 Credit Card Details

This topic provides the systematic instructions to capture the credit card related information for the customer.

In this data segment user can capture the credit card product details. If the user has capture this details while initiating the application then the details are fetched and displayed in the respective section.

To capture credit card details:

  1. Click Next in the previous data segment to proceed with the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data.

    The Credit Card Details screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-6 Credit Card Details

  2. Specify the details in the relevant data fields.


    The fields, which mentioned as Required, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-9 Card Preference – Field Description

    Field Description
    Card Type Displays the account type based on the product selected in the Product Catalogue.
    Business Product Name Displays the business product name based on the product selected in the Product Catalogue.
    Product Image Displays the business product image.
    Product Description Displays the short description captured for the product in Business Product configuration.
    Card Currency Select the currency from the drop-down list, if required. Available options in the drop-down list are based on the currency allowed for the selected business product. By default, the base currency of user logged-in branch is displayed. This field is mandatory.
    Credit Card Limit

    Select the credit card limit. Available options are:

    • Maximum Card Limit
    • Requested Card Limit
    Maximum Card Limit

    Displays the maximum card limit applicable for the selected product.

    This field appears only if the Credit Card Limit is selected as Maximum Card Limit.

    Requested Card Limit

    Specify the requested card limit.

    This field appears only if the Credit Card Limit is selected as Requested Card Limit.


    Specify whether the customer needs electronic communication.

    If the answer is Yes then it is mandatory to capture the e-mail ID for communication in the application.

    In case of joint applicants, if any one of the applicant has given consent for e-sign in the Customer Consent and Preference data segment then by fault this field is select as yes.

    Applicants This section displays the list of applicants that are involved in this account opening application.
    Name Displays the name of the applicant.
    Role Displays the role of the applicant in the application.
    Income Reliant

    Select to indicate whether the applicant is income reliant. The applicant’s financial details are captured only if this indication is selected.

    It is mandatory to select at least one applicant as Income Reliant.

  3. Click Next to navigate to the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data. The system validates for all mandatory data segments and data fields. If mandatory details are not provided, the system displays an error message for the user to take an action. The User cannot to proceed to the next data segment, without capturing the mandatory data.