2.1 Credit Card Application Entry Stage

This topic describes the information on the various data segments to capture the required data in the Credit Card Application Entry stage.

The initiation request for a credit card can be originated by authorized branch users or relationship managers or by approved bank agents, either through the traditional branch channel or through dedicated protocol services made available on digital devices like tablets or mobiles. The initiation of credit card request can be made for both new and existing customer types. Credit Card is only applicable for individual customers. Also, the platform supports processing of the credit card request from the customer which are directly received from the Self-Service Banking Channel (Oracle Banking Digital Experience) through the REST based service APIs.

The selection of the relevant credit card product on which the credit card is required can be initiated using this process, provided the user has the required access rights.

Please refer to the detailed setup and operation workflows for both asset and liability products initiation made available in the Operations user guide.

To open credit card application entry task:
  1. Scan the records that appears in the Free Task list.
  2. Click Acquire and Edit or Acquire from the Action column of the appropriate record. The Application Entry stage is displayed.

As detailed in the Operations User Guide, all the product originations are initiated in the Application Initiation stage from the product catalogue. The cart operation in product catalogue allows to originate single or multiple product initiation. Once the Credit Card origination process is initiated either as a single product origination or as part of the multiple product selection, process orchestrator generates the credit card process reference number on submit of the Application Initiation stage. Process orchestrator also updates the record in the Free Task process for the ‘Application Entry’ stage also referred as ‘Task’ from orchestrator perspective.

The Application Entry stage is the first stage in the Credit Card Account Open process. After the initiate process is completed successfully, the application can be acquired by the user who has the access rights for the given stage and progress with the data capture

The Credit Card Application Entry stage has the following reference data segments: