
This topic describes the systematic instructions of documents submitted by customer for the product origination process.

This section describes about the documents that are to be submitted by the customer for the Product Origination process.

To add documents:

  1. Select the stage and click Document tab to define the specific documentation requirement for different stage.
  2. Click add to documents in the respective stage.

    The Create Business Process – Documents screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-19 Create Business Process – Documents

  3. Specify the fields on Create Business Process - Documents screen.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 1-15 Create Business Process - Documents

    Field Description
    Document Type Search and select the document type.
    Document Description Displays the corresponding description of the document.
    Mandatory Select if the document submission for the stage is mandatory.
    Business Products

    Select the required option for the document submission requirement. Available options are:

    • Single Product
    • List of Products
    • All
    Save To save the captured details, click Save.
    Cancel Click Cancel to close the Business Process screen, the status of this gets updated as ‘In-Progress’. The user can work on it later by picking it from the View Business Process screen.