3.1.3 Maintenance Screen

This topic describes about the various components in the maintenance screen.

Depending on the access/permission provided to the logged-in user, the user can access the create screen. The create screen allows the user to create/configure the new records using the fields associated with the selected create screen. These new records can also be saved.

For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

Call-out Details
  1. Fields: Displays the fields associated with the selected maintenance screen. There are several typesof fields such as text box, dropdown, and so on, these fields can also be either manda- tory or options fields. For more information, refer to Mandatory and Optional Fields .
  2. Title bar: Displaysthe name of the screen and couple of common actions such as minimize and remove. For more information, refer to Minimizing Records and Closing Records .
  3. Save:Click Saveto save the specified details in the maintenance screen.
  4. Cancel:Click Cancelto reset the specified details in the maintenance screen