3.1.2 Summary Screen

This topic describes about the various components on the summary screen.

Depending on the access/permission provided to the logged in user, the user can access the summary screen. The summary screen provides the information about the configured records, where the user can perform few common actions and view the records.

Call-out details
  1. Search:Click to search/view a record from a selected summary screen.
  2. Refresh:Click to refresh all records configured in the selected summary screen.
  3. Add:Click to create/configure a new record.
  4. Pagination:Displays the number of items available and the page numbers.
  5. Title bar: Displaysthe name of the screen and couple of common actions such as minimize and remove. For more information, refer to 1.3.15 Minimizing Records and 1.3.16 Closing Records .
  6. Records: Displays the configured records, you can view the records in different format. For more information, refer to 1.3.2 Viewing Records .
  7. TileView:Displays the configured records in the tile format.
  8. ListView:Displays the configured records in the list format.