2.8 Account Parameter Setup

This topic describes the systematic instructions to move the loan application to account parameter setup stage.

The Account Parameter Setup stage is the next representative stage in the Retail Loan Account Open process. After the Loan Assessment / Manual Credit Decision is completed successfully, the application can be acquired by the user who has the access rights for the given stage and progress with the data capture. The user can acquire the application from Free Tasks list.
The Account Parameter Setup stage has the following reference data segments:
  • Assessment Details - For detailed information, refer the Manual Assessment data segment in the Manual Credit Assessment stage.
  • Loan Interest Details - For detailed information, refer the Loan Interest Details data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.
  • Mortgage Insurance – For detailed information, refer the Mortgage Insurance data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.
  • Charge Details - For detailed information, refer the Charge Details data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.
  • Loan Disbursement - For detailed information, refer the Loan Disbursement data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.
  • Loan Repayment - For detailed information, refer the Loan Repayment data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.
  • Account Services - For detailed information, refer the Account Services data segment in the Application Enrichment stage.

All the data segments are carried forward from Application Enrichment. If the details are captured in Application Enrichment, the same will be fetched automatically. The user can modify the captured details and all the data segments are mandatory to capture the details to move the application to the next stage.

If there is any change in the price (interest), the application will be redirected to the Supervisor Approval, otherwise submitting this step will move the application to the next reference stage which is the Offer Issue.


Please refer to the Application Enrichment Stage for the detailed explanation.