2 Retail Loans Account Origination Process

This topic describes about the Retail Loans Account Origination Process.

This document provides an overview of the retail account open process and takes you through the various steps involved in handling all the necessary activities in the life cycle of a retail loan account open process.

The document is designed to help you create the following types of retail loan:
  • Individual customers
    • Housing Loan
    • Personal Loan
    • Vehicle Loan
    • Education Loan
  • Small and Medium Business customers
    • Business Loan
    • Term Loan

Retail loan account open process enables the bank to leverage on the state of the art technology used for business modelling, help extend the boundaries of potential markets, provide for Banking at Doorstep and ensure the convenience of banking with primary focus on customer service.

We shall look at the reference workflows of the retail loan account process before understanding how the configuration and capture of data can be done. These stages are mandatory or non-mandatory based on the business process configurations. The process management flow is basically routed through various stages to capture relevant data before it is ready to be sent to the host for account creation.