2.5.1 Qualitative Scorecard

This topic provides the systematic instructions to capture the relevant evaluation details Applicant wise (if more than one applicant) and the scores are automatically displayed based on the Question / Answer configuration provided for this type of score card.

Qualitative Scorecard Details is the first data segment of Loan Assessment stage. The user can acquire the application from Free Tasks list.

The Qualitative score card screen enables the user to capture the relevant evaluation details Applicant wise (if more than one applicant) and the scores are automatically displayed based on the Question / Answer configuration provided for this type of score card. The relevant qualitative score card ID is attached to the Loan Business Product and thereby the Loan Account which uses this Business product inherits the score card attributes for evaluation.

To capture the qualitative scorecard details:

  1. On acquiring the Loan Assessment task from the Free Task, the Qualitative Scorecard screen appears.

    Figure 2-38 Qualitative Scorecard

  2. Specify the fields on Qualitative Scorecard screen.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-35 Qualitative Scorecard – Field Description

    Field Description
    Applicant Name Displays the name of the applicant.
    Questionnaire Code Displays the Questionnaire code.
    Questionnaire Description Displays the description of the Questionnaire code.
    Question Displays the question configured for the Questionnaire code.
    Answer Select the answer from the drop-down values available. The answers are populated based on the Answers configured in the Questionnaire code.
  3. Click Next to navigate to the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data. The system validates for all mandatory data segments and data fields. If mandatory details are not provided, the system displays an error message for the user to take an action. The user cannot proceed to the next data segment, without capturing the mandatory data.