Create Accounting Entries

This topic describes the systematic instruction to create accounting entries by mapping entry codes with appropriate product, event, payment mode, and so on.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Supply Chain Finance. Under Supply Chain Finance, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Accounting. Under Accounting, click Accounting Entries.
  3. Under Accounting Entries, click Create Account Entries.
    The Create Account Entries screen displays.

    Figure 2-22 Create Account Entries

  4. Specify the fields on Create Account Entries screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-16 Create Account Entries - Field Description

    Field Description
    Branch Select the branch to add accounting entries for. Values in this field are listed based on your access rights.
    Product Select the product to add accounting entries for. User can select ALL to create the entry code for all the products.
    Event Select the event to add accounting entries for.
    Filter Criteria Select the filter criteria for specific application of accounting entries. Based on the selected filter criteria, select the type/mode from the respective field(s) that appear. For more information, refer to Table 2-17.
    Is NPA Switch this toggle ON if the accounting entry is for an NPA.
    Payment Mode

    Select the mode of the payment.

    The available options are:
    • Account Transfer
    • Cheque
    • EFT
    Interest Refund Payment Mode

    Select the mode of the payment for interest refund.

    The available options are:
    • Account Transfer
    • Cheque
    • EFT
    Interest Type

    Select the type of interest collection.

    The available options are:
    • Front Ended
    • Rear Ended
    Interest Refund Handling Mechanism

    Select how the interest refund should be handled.

    The available options are:
    • Manually Settle O/s Finances
    • Refund to the Interest Bearing Party
    • Settle with Outstanding Finances
    Pre-Post Conversion Switch this toggle ON if the accounting entry is for a pre-post conversion.
    Charge Type Select the charge type as Credit or Debit.
    Payment Party

    Select the payment party if the accounting entry set up is separate for a specific payment party.

    The available options are:
    • Buyer
    • Supplier
    Account Type

    Select the type of account to be mapped.

    The available options are:
    • OD A/C
    • CASA
    Accounting Entries This section displays the following fields to select the accounting entry code and map it to an accounting entry.
    Accounting Entry Code Click the search icon to select the required accounting entry code.
    Accounting Entry Description Displays the description of the selected entry code.
    Sequence Select the sequence to be set for the accounting entry code.

    Table 2-17 Filter Criteria for Events - Field Description

    Event Filter Criteria Additional Filter Options
    Amendment Interest Collection Type
    • Interest Type
    Charge Type Based
    • Charge Type
    Disbursement Payment Mode, Interest Collection Type and Pre-Post conversion
    • Payment Mode
    • Interest Type
    • Pre-Post Conversion
    Charge Type Based
    • Charge Type
    Settlement Based on Interest Refund Payment Mode
    • Is NPA
    • Payment Mode
    • Interest Refund Payment Mode
    • Interest Type
    • Interest Refund Handling Mechanism
    • Pre-Post Conversion
    Based on Interest Refund Handling Mechanism
    • Is NPA
    • Payment Mode
    • Interest Type
    • Interest Refund Handling Mechanism
    • Pre-Post Conversion
    Based on Interest Collection Type
    • Is NPA
    • Payment Mode
    • Interest Type
    • Pre-Post Conversion
    Based on Charges
    • Charge Type
    Auto-Debit Default
    • NA
    Payment Party, Account Type and Payment Mode Based
    • Payment Party
    • Account Type
    • Payment Mode
    Interest Refund Payment Mode Based
    • Payment Mode
    Margin Refund Payment Mode Based
    • Payment Mode
    Excess Refund Payment Mode Based
    • Payment Mode
    Residual Payment Refund Payment Mode Based
    • Payment Mode
  5. Click Add/Edit to add the details to the grid.
  6. Click the hyperlink to view the details of the selected Accounting Entry Code.
    The Accounting Entry Code Details screen displays.

    Figure 2-23 Accounting Entry Code Details

  7. Perform the following steps to take action on the records in the grid.
    1. Click Options icon in the Action column to edit or delete the row.
  8. Click Reset to clear the selected values, if required.
  9. Click Save to save the record and send it for authorization (if applicable).