5.1.2 Detailed Flow

Issuance of Open Ended Guarantees (LCDGUONL) :
  • Tenor will be defaulted as 3 years for guarantees and 3 years 30 days
  • Applicable Rule will be defaulted based on product maintenance (URDG/Other than URDG)
  • Expiry date derived based on tenor and cannot be modified if applicable rule is URDG
  • MT760.72Z populated with expiry date related details. The FFT code SND2RECMT760 should be attached manually, else system will provide an override.
Auto Renewal flag introduced to support automatic extension on expiry date as part of EOD (LCEOD)
  • Auto Renewal is supported only for Open ended guarantees
  • Auto Renewal should be Y if applicable rule is other than URDG
  • Auto Renewal can be modified as part of internal amendment (LCDGUONL)
  • Open ended guarantees with Auto Renewal enabled will be picked and extended on expiry date as part of LCEOD batch
  • AMND will be triggered and MT767 generated with extension details in 72Z
  • FFT ‘SND2RECMT767’ should be maintained for the advice ‘GUA_AMD_INSTR’, for AMND event.

Table 5-1 Open Ended Guarantees - Issuance (LCDGUONL) and Auto Renewal - Batch (LCEOD)

Tenor default Applicable Rule Expiry Date MT760.72Z Auto Renewal Batch (LCEOD) MT767.72Z
3 years or 3 years 30 days URDG Expiry date default based on tenor. Expiry date should not be modified. As per URDG, Expiry date is defaulted with 3 years Y Extension on expiry date for 3 years As per URDG, Expiry date is extended with 3 years from current expiry date
3 years or 3 years 30 days URDG Expiry date default based on tenor. Expiry date should not be modified. As per URDG, Expiry date is defaulted with 3 years N No impact No impact
3 years or 3 years 30 days Other than URDG Expiry date default based on tenor. Expiry date not be modified. Expiry date is defaulted with 3 years Y Extension on expiry date for 3 years Expiry date is defaulted with 3 years from effective date and get auto extended for further 3 years
3 years or 3 years 30 days Other than URDG Expiry date default based on tenor. Expiry date modified. Override not required. Expiry date is <expiry date> Y Extension on expiry date based on existing tenor. Expiry date is extended for tenor <existing tenor> from current expiry date
  • MT760, Tag 72Z population based on value given in FFT SND2RECMT760 as below:
Sl.No Scenario Messaging impact
1 If SND2RECMT760 is provided without any description by user Hardcoded message will be added to the FFT description
2 If SND2RECMT760 is provided with description /PHONBEN/ or /TELEBEN/ Hardcoded message will be appended, after the code /PHONBEN/ or /TELEBEN/
3 If SND2RECMT760 is provided with description other than /PHONBEN/ or /TELEBEN/ Hardcoded message will be added before the FFT description
4 If SND2RECMT760 is provided with invalid codes like /PHOTEST/ Hardcoded message will be in the beginning before the FFT description
  • Above functionality extended to Islamic Open Ended Guarantees (LIDGUONL/LIDGUAMD/LIEOD)
  • Above functionality extended to simulation and handoff (LCDGUSIM/LCDGAMSM/LIDGUSIM/LIDGAMSIM)