UI Error Messages

Table 5-2 UI Error Messages

Error Code Error Condition Type Message Text User Action
LC-GUA-175 On modifying the defaulted expiry date for an Open ended guarantee under URDG Error Expiry Date cannot be modified from the defaulted Expiry Date for Open Ended guarantees under URDG rule Expiry date should not be modified
LC-GUA-176 On modifying the defaulted local undertaking expiry date for an Open ended counter guarantee under URDG Error Local Guarantee Expiry Date cannot be modified from the defaulted date for Open Ended guarantees under URDG rule Local undertaking expiry date should not be modified
LC-GUA-177 On enabling auto renewal flag for Fixed/Conditional guarantees Error Auto Renewal flag is only applicable for Open Ended Guarantees Auto Renewal flag should be disabled
LC-GUA-178 When auto renewal flag is not enabled for Open ended guarantee not under URDG Error Auto Renewal flag should be enabled for Open Ended Guarantees not under URDG Auto Renewal flag should be enabled
LC-GUA-181 For an Open ended/Conditional Without Expiry type guarantee, if FFT SND2RECMT760 is not attached to GUARANTEE advice Override FFT $1 is not attached in $2 advice. Expiry date details will not be populated in message. Attach FFT SND2RECMT760 for 72Z to be populated with expiry date details in MT760