3.3.1 Define Access Rights to an External System

This topic provides the systematic instructions to define access rights to an external system.

You can define access rights to an external system using the ‘External System Functions - Detailed’ screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type GWDETFUN in the text box, and click the next arrow.
    The External System Functions screen is displayed.

  2. On External System Functions screen, specify the fields.
    For information on fields, refer to Table 3-7:

    Table 3-7 External System Functions - Field Description

    Field Description
    External System Select an external system for which you wish to provide access rights. The adjoining option list displays all the external systems you have maintained in the ‘External Systems – Detailed’ screen.
    Function ID Select a Function ID from the list of values by clicking the adjoining option list. The function ids are loaded from Gateway Functions.
    Action Select an action for the external system from the option list provided.
    Service Name This displays the service name based on the Function ID and Action you select.
    Operation Code This displays the Operation Code based on the Function ID and Action you select.