3.9 Define the Notifications Enroutes

This topic provides the systematic instructions to define the notifications enroutes.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type GWDNTFEN in the text box, and click the next arrow.
    The Trade Notification Enroute Maintenance screen is displayed.

  2. On Trade Notification Enroute Maintenance screen, specify the fields.
    For information on fields, refer to Table 3-17:

    Table 3-17 Trade Notification Enroute Summary - Field Description

    Field Description
    Branch Code Specify a branch for which you wish to define a topic. If you want to use a single topic for all branches and for a given notification code, you can use a wildcard ‘***’. Once you select a Branch Code, the corresponding description is displayed.
    Notification Code Select a notification code from the list of notification codes provided. You can indicate a wildcard ‘***’ if a single topic needs to be used for all notifications in a branch.
    Destination Name Specify the destination name.

    Once you have captured the details, save the maintenance.