OBTF Payment Request Initiation

In OBTF during the creation of Bills and collections / Letter of credit transactions user the provision to do the following or system based on the product setup and settlement instructions maintained for the parties shall do the following
  1. After settlement pickup of a OBTF transaction, In settlement instructions component to be selected and navigate to the Payment details tab. E.g.: BILL_LIQ_AMTEQ
  2. In Payment details tab choose "Payment By" as "Message" and choose the "Transfer Type" as either "Bank Transfer" or "Customer Transfer". Provide other required details any for "Details of Charge", "Sender to Receiver Information", etc..,
  3. Visit parties and provide required information about the parties involved like Account details and address details.
  4. Visit Other Details and choose "Bank Operation Code"
Refer following documents for making trade transactions and understanding on settlement instructions.
  • Settlements User Guide
  • Bills and Collections User Guide - Section 6.1.4 Settlement
  • Islamic Bills and Collections User Guide - Section 5.3.6 Specify Settlement Instructions
  • Letters of Credit User Guide - Section 7.2.2 Reverse LC Liability - Settlements portion
  • Islamic Letters of Credit User Guide - Section 7.2.1 Islamic LC Contract Availment - Settlements portion