1.3.1 Backend Setup using Silent Installer

Backend Setup has to be done using Silent Installer. DDL Compilation, Object Compilation and Static Data Load will be taken care as part of Backend Setup.

Backend Setup has to be done using Silent Installer. DDL Compilation, Object Compilation and Static Data Load will be taken care as part of Backend Setup.

Before loading objects into the schema, fcubs.properties file creation must be performed with the required database details using the GUI installer (Refer OBTF_Installer_Property_File_Creation document). After the property file is created, env.properties file, present in INSTALLER/SOFT/GUI/logs/ directory, will be automatically updated, with the details provided while creating the property file.

env.properties file present in INSTALLER/SOFT/GUI/logs/ will be automatically copied to INSTALLER/SOFT/logs/ directory as part of property file creation. Details from this env.properties are taken for further steps.

Run the <Product Processor>DBCompileRun.bat from INSTALLER/SOFT directory. DDL Compilation, Object Compilation and Static Data load will be done.


First load SMS objects first and then OBTF objects. i.e.

  1. Run SMSDBCompileRun.bat in windows (SMSDBCompileRun.sh in linux). Note: Before running DB Compilation of any sort, please make sure that System Date Time format and language are provided as English, or otherwise DB Compilation might fail due to improper log names.
  2. After SMS object loading is completed, then initiate OBTF compilation Run TFDBCompileRun.bat in windows (TFDBCompileRun.sh in linux)

Check for the Invalid Count and make sure that the Invalid count is ‘0’. Please run Invalid Recompilation script (fast.sql), if required. Please provide number of threads and schema name as input while running the script.

Invalid Recompilation

This is for KERNEL as well as cluster objects in DB schema.

Please run Gateway Standard XML (Gwtm_Standard_Xml.sql) script. The data in the script is necessary to execute gateway summary operations.
