1.2.3 Setting Single Sign on

This topic explains the systematic instructions of setting single sign on.

  1. The installer displays the Single Sign on screen.

    Figure 1-2 Oracle Banking Installer - Property File Creation - Single Sign on

  2. On the Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Installer - Property File Creation - Single Sign on screen, specify the following details.
For more information, refer to the field description table.
Field Description
SSO Required Check this box to enable single sign-on (SSO). If you check this box, you need to enter the SSO Key.
SSO Type This is disabled. This is enabled on selecting SSO Required Flag. Specify the SSO Type from the list of following:
  2. TOKEN
  3. SAML

By default, ‘DEFAULT’ option is selected; however, you can change it.

IF SAML is selected, SAML details table below will be enabled. Please enter SAML details such as Certificate Path, password, alias and valid audience.


Specify the SSO key. If you have checked the box ‘SSO Required’, it is mandatory to specify the SSO key. By default the value is ‘DN

If you have checked the box ‘SSO required’, the Installer skips the following two screens and directly navigate to the SSL screen shown below in this manual.

If you have not checked the box ‘SSO required’, then on clicking the ‘Next’ button, the screen for enabling SSL options is displayed:

External Password Required

Check this box to allow the user-login using MSAD/LDAP password irrespective of the user ID. If you check this box, the user ID can be either the MSAD/LDAP/ user ID or the FCUBS user ID. And the password can be MSAD/LDAP/ server password only.

If LDAP is selected, table related to LDAP will be enabled .Please enter LDAP server URL,SSL enabled, Security authentication type, Domain Name and LDAP Server timeout details.

By default, this check box is unchecked. However, you can change this.

External User Login Required

Check this box to enable user login using MSAD/LDAP/ user ID. If you check this box, the user can login using MSAD/LDAP/ server user ID as well as using FCUBS user ID.

If you do not check this box, the user can login using FCUBS user ID only.

By default, this check box is unchecked. However, you can change this.

'Authentication Type’ is enabled if one of the above check boxes is checked.

Authentication Type Select the Authentication Type from the adjoining drop-down list. This is the type of external server that is used for authentication. This option is enabled only when External Password Required checkbox is checked. You can select one of the following options:
  • MSAD (Microsoft Active Directory)
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

By default, ‘MSAD’ is selected; however, you can change it.

Specify the following details.

OPSS is available only for Weblogic and is not supported for Websphere.

IF OPSS available is checked for Weblogic, the symmetric key is not stored in the property file for security reasons. If OPSS available is unchecked, the symmetric key is available in the property file and a warning message is displayed to the user.

SSL Enabled

SSL Enabled is checked by default.

Click ‘Next’ and the next screen gets displayed.