2.6 Free Format Text Codes

This document provides the systematic instruction to maintain, specify and perform operations related to free format text codes.

Free Format Text (FFT) may be a set of instructions or statements that are applicable to the LCs that you process. There are certain standard statements that should appear in the correspondence and messages, sent to the parties involved in an LC. Instead of specifying the details of an FFT each time you need to use it, you can maintain them in the Bills and Collections Free Format Code Maintenance screen. The advantage of maintaining FFT details is that at the time of creating a product or while entering the details of an LC, you only need to specify the code assigned to the FFT. All the details maintained for the FFT code will be automatically picked up. This reduces your effort, as you do not need to enter the description of an FFT each time you use it. This topic contains the following sections:
  • Maintain Free Format Text Codes
  • Specify UDF Values
  • Operations on FFT maintenance record
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to the Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type BCDFFTCD in the text box, and click next arrow.
    The Bills Free Format Code Maintenance screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-8 Bills Free Format Code Maintenance

    For more information on the fields, refer the Field Description table given below:

    Table 2-5 Bills Free Format Code Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description
    FFT Code In Oracle Banking Trade Finance, each FFT that you maintain is identified by a twelve character code called an FFT Code. You can follow your own conventions for devising the code. However, at least one of the characters of the goods code must be a letter of the English alphabet.

    The code that you specify must be unique since it identifies the FFT. While creating a product, or at the time of entering the details of an LC you only need to specify the code assigned to the FFT. The FFT details will be automatically picked up and defaulted. This field is mandatory.

    Language Code Select the Language Code from the option list. It specifies the language used in the document which your bank receives from the customer. This field is mandatory.
    Free Format Text

    Enter the free format text in the text box. Click Ok.
    After assigning a code to identify an FFT, you can proceed to maintain the description of the FFT. The description that you specify can contain text up to thirty two thousand characters.
    This field is optional.

  2. Specify the code assigned to the FFT.
    All the details maintained for the FFT code is automatically picked up.
  3. On the Bill & Collections Free Format Code Maintenance screen, click New if you are maintaining the FFT details for the first time.
    Click Save to save the newly created record.
  4. On an existing FFT Maintenance record, you can perform the following operations (if any icon is disabled in the application toolbar, it means that the function is not allowed for the record).
    1. Amend the details of the record
    2. Authorize the record
    3. Copy the details of an FFT on to a new record
    4. Close the record
    5. Reopen the closed record
    6. Print the details of a record
    7. Delete the record
    On the Actions menu, you can Amend/Authorize/Copy/Close/Reopen/Print/Delete an existing record.


    Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.
  5. On the Bill & Collections Free Format Code Maintenance screen, click the Fields button.
    The User Defined Fields screen is displayed.

  6. Enter the value for the UDFs listed in the Value column.
    You can view the list of UDFs associated to this screen.


    For more details on how to create user Defined fields, refer the topic creating custom fields in Oracle Banking Trade Finance in the User Defined Fields User Manual under Modularity.