2.7 Insurance Company Details

This topic provides systematic instruction to maintain, specify and perform operations related to insurance company details.

An LC, as an instrument of international trade involves the shipment of large merchandise over long distances. You can maintain the details of an insurance company through the Bills Insurance Company Maintenance screen.

To cover the loss or damage of the goods during transition, most merchandise traded under an LC is covered with an insurance policy. You can maintain the details of different Insurance Companies in Oracle Banking Trade Finance.

At the time of capturing the details of an LC contract in the system, you can associate the appropriate Insurance Company Code with the contract. Upon selection of the code, all the details maintained for the selected code will be automatically picked up by the system. Subsequently, on receipt of the insurance policy from the company, the insurance policy number can also be captured in the relevant contract.

This topic contains the following sections:
  • Maintain Insurance Company Details
  • Specify UDF Values
  • Operations on Company Maintenance record.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type BCDINSCO in the text box, and click next arrow.

    The Bills Insurance Company Maintenance is displayed.

    Figure 2-9 Bills Insurance Company Maintenance

    You can maintain the following details of Insurance Companies:
    For more information on the fields, refer the Field Description table given below:

    Table 2-6 Bills Insurance Company Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description
    Insurance Company Code Specify a unique code for each insurance company being defined in the system. The insurance company will be identified by this code throughout the system. This is mandatory information and if not provided, you will not be allowed to save the details of the company. You can use a maximum of 9 alphanumeric characters to create the company code. This field is mandatory.
    Insurance Company Name

    After specifying a unique code for the
    company, you can also specify the full name of the insurance company.
    This field is optional.

    Address 1 to 4 Specify the mailing address of the insurance company being defined. You can maintain a maximum of four lines of address. Each line of address can accommodate a maximum of 105 alphanumeric characters.

    This field is optional.

    Telephone Number Capture the telephone number of the insurance company.

    This field is optional.

    Fax Number Capture the fax number of the insurance company.


    The insurance company will be available for association with LC contracts only after you authorize the company details.
    This field is optional.
    Specify Account Details Specify the Account Details.
    Customer Id Specify the customer name.

    This field is optional.

    Account Specify the account details.

    This field is optional.

  2. On the Bills Insurance Company Maintenance screen, click the Fields button.

    The User Defined Fields screen is displayed.

  3. On the User Defined Fields screen, enter the value for the UDFs in the Value column and click Ok.
    You can view the list of UDFs.


    For more details on how to create user Defined fields, refer the topic Creating custom fields in Oracle Banking Trade Finance in the User Defined Fields User Manual under Modularity.
  4. On the existing Company Maintenance record,you can perform the following operations (if any icon is disabled in the application toolbar, it means that the function is not allowed for the record):
    1. Amend the details of the record
    2. Authorize the record
    3. Copy the details of an FFT on to a new record
    4. Close the record
    5. Reopen the closed record
    6. Print the details of a record
    7. Delete the record
    On the Actions menu, you can Amend/Authorize/Copy/Close/Reopen/Print/Delete a existing record.


    Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.