3.22.2 Contract Level Message Generation

You need to perform the following for contract level message generation:

  • Book MM borrow contract with customer type as Corporate and Settlement Account as Normal, BOOK and INIT event will be generated with MT 900 Debit advice as part of contract initiation. And MT 910 Credit advice will be generated as part of INIT event for MM placement contract.
  • The above confirmation message MT 900/MT 910 will be generated when CUST_PMT_ADV is configured at product level.
  • SGEN for Payment message i.e. MT202/MT210/MT103 MT202 COV remains to be the same. The Payment message will be generated only when the settlement account type is Nostro and customer type is Bank.
  • Book a Future dated deal with customer type Bank and settlement account type as Nostro. The system generates the SGEN event with MT210/MT202 message type based on the currency settlement days maintained at CYDCDEFE screen, and PAYMENT_MESSAGE advice is configured in SGEN event at Product level.
  • Book a Future dated deal with customer type as Corporate and settlement account type as Normal. The system does not generate the SGEN event. As part of EOD processing, when system reaches the value date of the contract, INIT event occurs with MT900/MT910 message.
  • Perform Value dated amendment for MM contract, the system generates the MT900/MT910 message to VAMI event when CUST_PMT_ADV is configured at product level to VAMI Event.
  • The system supports Debit and Credit advice message generation for future dated VAMI as part of EOD processing when the VAMI event occurs.
  • Perform manual Liquidation to the MM contract, the system generates MT900/MT910 advice to LIQD event when CUST_PMT_ADV is configured at product level to LIQD Event. The system supports the credit and debit advice message generation for Auto Liquidation as well.
  • Perform Rollover to the MM contract and check MT900 or MT910 advice is generated to ROLL event when CUST_PMT_ADV is configured at product level to ROLL Event. You need the maintain the following details for the contract level message generation:
  • Treasury message type for MM module and message type 'CUST_PMT_ADV' using the 'Treasury Message Type Maintenance' screen.
  • Maintain new advice 'CUST_PMT_ADV' for INIT, LIQD, ROLL, VAMI event using the 'Money Market Product Definition' screen. • The system displays an appropriate error message if CUST_PMT_ADV is maintained to SGEN event.
  • When CUST_PMT_ADV advice is maintained at specific events, the system will restrict you to maintain CREDIT_ ADVICE DEBIT_ADVICE and displays an appropriate error message.
  • Both PAYMENT_MESSAGE and CUST_PMT_ADV can be mapped to same event. The system generates the messages at contract level based on the product.