3.22 SGEN Messages Generation

This topic describes the SGEN Messages Generation and enabling RFR for SGEN.

The system can send SGEN messages ‘n’ number of days before the due date where ‘n’ is the value maintained as settlement days in ‘Currency Definition’ screen for Repo deals. This generation is done for the following events:

  • INIT- Initiation
  • LIQD - Liquidation
  • ROLL - Rollover
  • VAMI - Value dated Amendment (Principal Increase)

In the case of future-dated events of contracts, the SGEN messages are required to be sent before the value date or payment date. For such contracts, the system generates the settlement message after taking into account both currency holidays and local holidays maintained. It generates the SWIFT messages in the BOD batch.

For SGEN Message on contract initiation, when the SGEN date is calculated as the branch date or lesser than the branch date, the system sends out an online SGEN message during contract initiation itself.

When you reverse a contract for which SGEN has been generated, the system displays an appropriate override message. If you accept the override and continue with contract reversal, the system generates the Cancellation request messages MT 292 /192 (REVSWIFT).

You can maintain payment messages either at the SGEN event or at the respective events only, not at both levels. You can also maintain a product without the SGEN event and attach the payment message in the respective events.