2.10 Confirmation Rule Maintenance Summary

This topic provides the systematic instructions to capture the Foreign Exchange Confirmation Rule Summary details.

  1. On the Home page, type FXSCNFMT in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    The Confirmation Rule Maintenance Summary screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-13 Confirmation Rule Maintenance Summary

    Description of Figure 2-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-13 Confirmation Rule Maintenance Summary "
  2. Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click Search on the top left of the screen.

    Base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and the fetch records:

    • Authorization Status
    • Rule ID
    • Record Status
    • Sequence Number

    After selecting any or all of the above parameters for a query, click 'Search' button. The following records are displayed:

    • Authorization Status
    • Record Status
    • Rule ID
    • Sequence Number
    • Counterparty
    • Booking Date
    • Value Date
    • Bought Currency
    • Bought Amount Event
    • Sold Currency
    • Sold Amount
    • Exchange Rate
    • Settlement Receive Leg
    • Settlement Pay Leg
    • AWI Receive Leg
    • AWI Pay Leg