2.4 Foreign Exchange Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance

This topic provides the systematic instructions to capture the Foreign Exchange Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance.

The currency-wise details of specific bank code consisting of the specific Day Count Denominator for the effective interest rate are utilized for processing the FX contract creation.

  1. On the Home page, type in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    FX Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-3 FX Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance

    Description of fxdyldcp_cvs_main1.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration fxdyldcp_cvs_main1.jpg
  2. On the FX Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance screen, specify the details as per requirement to maintain the yield Calculation Parameters details for the selected bank code.

    For information on fields, refer to the below table

    Table 2-2 FX Yield Calculation Parameters Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description

    Bank Code

    Specify the Bank Code applicable for the maintenance

    Bank Description

    Provide the Bank description based on the selected bank code

    Currency Code

    Specify the Currency code for the maintenance

    Day Count Method Denominator

    Specify the Day Count Method Denominator which is used for the corresponding Currency Code

    The following are the Day Count Denominator methods supported for the Yield Calculation of FX contracts

    Table 2-3 Day Count Denominators

    Day Count Denominator Considered Year Days Value Used in the Formula Interest Method for Effective Interest Rate (EIR)Calculation











    365 – In case of a non-leap year

    366 – In case of a leap year


  3. Click Save to save the details or Cancel to close the screen.

    Information Message screen is displayed.

    Figure 2-4 Information Message

    Description of fxdyldcp_cvs_parameters_maintance.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration fxdyldcp_cvs_parameters_maintance.jpg
  4. On the Information Message screen, click Ok to Authorize the Maintenance Record after saving.

    Information Message with Authorization is displayed.

    Figure 2-5 Information Message with Authorization

    Description of fxdyldcp_cvs_parameters_maintance_authorized.png follows
    Description of the illustration fxdyldcp_cvs_parameters_maintance_authorized.png
  5. On the Information Message screen, click Ok to complete the authorization.


    Delete, Unlock, Close, Reopen operations are also supported for the screen. Maintenance Record must be in open and authorized status for it to be applicable.