3.4 Advices for Deal Initiation

This topic describes the systematic instruction to specify the details of the advices for the product.

Navigate to Money Market Contract Input screen

The advices that have to be generated for any event are specified for the product involved in the deal and are generated after the product is authorized at product level. For example, you may have specified the following advices for the product:

  • When a deal is initiated, an advice, addressed to the customer
  • If any components (like discounted interest, tax on principal etc.) Are liquidated on take down, an advice for each of them.
  • While processing the deal initiation, you can do the following:
  • Suppress the generation of any of these advices
  • Specify the priority of generation
  1. On the Money Market Contract Input screen, click Advices.

    Advice Details screen is displayed.

  2. On the Advices Details screen, specify the details as required.

    The following changes are allowed:

    Table 3-7 Advices - Field Description

    Field Description


    By default, all the advices that have been defined for a product is generated for a deal. However, suppressing the generation of advice for a deal by specifying so in this screen.


    Priority applies to payment messages that are sent over SWIFT By default, such advices are sent on a Normal priority. You can change it to Urgent.