3.18.1 Authorize Money Market Contracts

You cannot authorize a contract from the Money Market Contract Input screen in the following cases:

  • The contract has multilevel of authorization pending; the same is done using the 'Multilevel Authorization Detailed' screen
  • The level of authorization is greater than or equal to 'N.'
  • The 'Nth' or the final level of the user's authorization limit is less than the difference between amount financed and the sum of the limits of all the users involved in authorizing a transaction; this case holds good when the 'Cumulative' field is checked in the 'Product Transaction Limits Maintenance' screen
  • The transaction amount is greater than the authorizer's authorization limit if the 'Cumulative' field is unchecked in the 'Product Transaction Limits Maintenance' screen.
  • Re-key is not done. Re-key is mandatory for Payment input authorization.