9.2 Risk Free Rates

This topic provides the instructions to capture the Risk Free Rates.

Selected Overnight Risk Free rates is maintained in this screen.

  1. On the Home page, type CFDRFRRT in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    RFR Rate Input screen is displayed.

    Figure 9-2 RFR Rate Input

    Description of cfdrfrrt_cvs_main.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration cfdrfrrt_cvs_main.jpg
  2. On the RFR Rate Input screen, specify the details as required.
    For information on fields refer to below table:

    Table 9-1 RFR Rate Input - Field Description

    Field Description

    Rate Code

    Identifies the Risk Free Reference Rate Code.

    Rate Description

    Defines the RFR rate code.


    Choose the type of Maintenance:

    • Rate
    • Index

    Currency Code

    Identifies the currency mapped to RFR code

    Rate Received Date

    The date on which our system received the RFR rate

    Effective date

    Applicable RFR effective date

    Interest rate

    RFR on the respective effective date

    Rate Applicable days

    Number of days the RFR is applicable for


    Percentile of RFR defined as 1st, 25th,75th and 99th

    Volume in Billions

    Identifies the RFR volume in count of billions