9.3 Treasury Interest Class Definition

This topic provides the instructions to capture the Treasury Interest Class Definition details.

Treasury Interest Class Definition supports RFR methods and computation preferences.

  1. On the Home page, type CFDTRINC in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    Treasury Interest Class Definition screen is displayed.

    Figure 9-3 Treasury Interest Class Definition

    Description of Figure 9-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-3 Treasury Interest Class Definition "
  2. On the Treasury Interest Class Definition screen, specify the details as required.

    For information on fields refer to the below table.

    Table 9-2 Treasury Interest Class Definition - Field Description

    Field Description

    Alternative Risk Free Rate

    Identifies if the interest class is enabled for RFR

    Alternative Risk Free Rate Preferences

    User can select any one of the below RFR calculation methods:

    • Lookback
    • Payment delay
    • Lockout
    • Interest Rollover
    • Last reset
    • Last recent
    • Plain
    • Weighted Average

    The user can also select the combination of the below RFR methods:

    • Lookback and Lockout
    • Lookback and Payment Delay
    • Lockout and Payment Delay
    • Lookback, Lockout, and Payment Delay


    The user can select Lookback as RFR preference if the Rate Method is In-Arrears.

    The observation period for the interest rate calculation starts and endsa certain number of days prior to the Interest period. As a result, youcan choose the interest payment to be calculated prior to the end ofthe interest period.

    Lookback Days

    This field will only be relevant if 'Rate Method' is 'In-Arrears' or bearing and RFR method is Lookback.


    The user can select Lockout as RFR preference if the Rate Method is In-Arrears.

    Lockout means that the RFR is frozen for a certain number of days prior to the end of an interest period (lockout period).

    During this time, the RFR of lockout period days is applied for the remaining days of the interest period. As a result, the averaged RFR can be calculated a couple of days before the end of the Interest period.

    Lockout Days

    This field will only be relevant if 'Rate Method' is 'In-Arrears' or bearing and RFR method is Lockout.

    Payment Delay

    The user can select Payment Delay as RFR preference if the Rate Method is In-Arrears.

    In this method, Interest payments are delayed by a certain number of days and are thus due a few days after the end of an interest period.

    Payment Delay Days

    This field is relevant if 'Rate Method' is 'In-Arrears' or bearing and RFR method is Payment delay. Number of days by which the interest (or installment) payments are delayed by a certain number of days and are thus due a few days after the end of an interest period.

    Interest Rollover

    Select this check box to enable the interest rollover as RFR preference.

    Payments are set in advance and any missed interest relative to in arrears is rolled over into the next payment period.

    This option combines a first payment (installment payment) known at the beginning of the interest period with an adjustment payment known at the end.


    This field is relevant if Rate Method is In-Arrears or bearing and RFR method is Plain. System uses averaged RFR over current interest period, paid on first day of next interest period.

    Last Reset

    This field is relevant if 'Rate Method' is 'In-Advance' and 'Rate Convention' is Last reset. In this option, interest payments are determined on the basis of the averaged RFR of the previous period.

    Last Recent

    This field is relevant if 'Rate Method' is 'In-Advance' and 'Rate Convention' is Last recent.

    In this option, a single RFR or an averaged RFR for a short number of days, are applied for the entire interest period

    Index Value

    Select the Index Value check box to use the RFR index rate.

    The RFR Index measures the cumulative impact of compounding RFR on a unit of investment over time. Index Value supports below RFR preferences.

    1. Arrear Method
    2. Advance Method
    1. Arrear Method
      • Lookback
      • Lockout
      • Payment Delay
      • Plain
    2. Advance Method
      • Last Reset
      • Last Recent

    For more information on the RFR Index Value, refer to the attached RFR Index Value calculation worksheet.

    Observation Shift

    Select the Observation Shift check box to apply observation Shift to RFR calculation. The observation shift mechanism provides the rate to be calculated and weighted by reference to the Observation Period rather than the relevant interest period.

    Observation Shift Currently supports below RFR Methods and combination.

    • Lookback
    • Lockout
    • Lookback and Lockout combination

    For more information on the RFR Observation Shift, refer to the attached RFR Observation Shift calculation worksheet.

    Weighted Average

    Select this check box to use weighted average calculation (WAC) as the RFR calculation method.

    The WAC here represent the simple average calculation and not compounded. The averaged RFR in this convention is the simple arithmetic mean of the daily RFRs. OBTR supports WAC to calculate base rate (BR), Credit Adjustment Spread (CAS), and Customer Margin. The WAC formula to calculate simple interest is:
    WAC formula


    db: the number of business days for the interest calculation period

    dc: the number of calendar days for the interest calculation period

    ri: reference rate for the day number i within the interest calculation period ni: the number of calendar days for which rate ri applied (on most days, ni will be 1, but on a Friday it will generally be 3, and it will also be larger than 1 on the business day before a holiday

    N: the number of calendar days in one year (360 to 365)

    For more information, refer to the RFR WAC sheet.

    Payment Movement Calendar

    Select the payment movement calendar from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:
    • Calendar
    • Business
    If the option Calendar is selected, then the system skips the Holiday Preferences selected at the contract level.

    If the option Business is selected, it considers holiday treatment specified for schedule as per the Holiday Preferences selected at the contract level.

    Computation Calendar

    Select the Computation Calendar from the drop-down list, when RFR is selected for interest calculation. The available options are:
    • Currency
    • Financial Calendar

    Financial Center

    This field is mandatory if the Financial Center is selected as a computation calendar. Select the code of the financial center from the displayed list of values.

    Base Computation Method

    The Base Computation Method is either simple or compounded.

    Spread\ Margin Computation Method

    Spread\ Margin computation method can be maintained as either Simple or compounded.

    Spread Adjustment Method

    Spread adjustment method is kept as either Simple or compounded.

    Rate Compounding

    This allows enable user to select if rate compounding to be applied for each calculation period. When enabled, system opts for rate compounding instead of amount compounding, amount difference comes into effect only if the pre-payment is done.

    For more information on Rate compounding method, refer to the attached Rate Compounding calculation worksheet.

    RFR Rounding Unit

    Specify the Rounding Units value to round daily index value to the nearest whole number and use it for interest calculation.

    It is applicable only when RFR index value is used.

    Rate Compounding Method

    Select the Rate Compounding Method from the drop-down list. The available options are:

    • CCR
    • NCCR

    This Rate Compounding method produces a rate for a period by applying the RFR compounding formula to the RFR rate and applying the compounded rate to the principal to calculate the interest due. Currently it’s applicable for MM & SR modules.Rate Compounding supports two methods:

    1. Cumulative Compounded Rate (CCR)

    Calculates the compounded rate at the end of the interest period and it is applied to the whole period. It allows calculation of interest for the whole period using a single compounded rate.

    2. Non-Cumulative Compounded Rate (NCCR)

    It is derived from Cumulative Compounded Rate i.e., Cumulative rate as of current day minus Cumulative rate as of prior Banking day. This generates a daily compounded rate which allows the calculation of a daily interest amount.Rate Compounding supports below RFR preferences:

    Arrear Method

    • Lookback
    • Lockout
    • Payment Delay
    • Plain
  3. On the Treasury Interest Class Definition screen, specify the details as required.

    The following steps are followed:

    • Rate code Field will fetch all the rate codes maintained at CFDFLTRI (floating rate code) and CFDRFRRT(RFR codes).
    • Having the RFR flag checked, the rate code selected is maintained in CFDRFRRT(RFR codes) screen.
    • Selecting the rate code is a mandate when RFR flag is checked.
    • Likewise having RFR flag unchecked, select a rate code maintained in CFDFLTRI (floating rate code).
    • Under limits multi-block, the system allows the saving of record for RFR mapped rate code currency only. Example for RFR code: RFR only USD currency record is permitted. If in case any other currency is maintained, the system validates accordingly throws an error.
    • For an RFR rate code currency, entering min and max rate is allowed.
    • There are no restrictions on the interest basis selection for RFR rate code.
    • RFR usage is allowed only for the Main interest component.
    • The system allows multiple Interest class records for same RFR code and currency but with different preferences.
    • After the Interest class maintenance is saved and authorized, the system allows you to unlock the RFR details and modify it based on the requirement.