3.1.3 Rollover Tab

  1. On the Money Market Contract Input screen, click Rollover.

    Money Market Contract Input with Rollover tab details are displayed.

    Figure 3-4 Money Market Contract Input - Rollover

    Description of Figure 3-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-4 Money Market Contract Input - Rollover"
  2. Specify the details in the Rollover tab as required.

    For information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 3-4 Roll over tab - Field details

    Field Description

    Roll over Amount

    Specify the option for the Rollover Amount from the drop down list as required. The options are:

    • Principal
    • Principal + Interest
    • Principal + (Interest - tax)
    • Principal + Additional Amount
    • Principal + Interest + Additional Amount

    Additional Amount

    Specify the additional details as per the requirement.

    Special Amount

    Specify the special amount if applicable

    Treat Special Amount as

    If the Special amount is specified, from the following options specify the what should it be treated as:

    • Rollover Amount
    • Liquidation Amount
    • Maximum Rollover Amount
    • Ignore

    Daily Refinance Rate

    Specify the refinance rate as per the requirement.

    Roll By

    Choose the Maturity Roll by from the drop down list:

    • Days (Default)
    • Months
    • Quarters
    • Semiannual
    • Years


    Choose the method of Maturity from the drop down list:

    • Normal (Default)
    • Split
    • Consolidated


    Choose the Rollover Mechanism of the contract from the drop down list

    • New Version (Default)
    • Spawn Contract
    • Linked Contract


    Choose the Mode of Rollover as required, The options are:

    • Auto
    • Manual

    ICCF Rollover

    Specify the ICCF Rollover as required. The options are:

    • Product
    • Contract
    • User Input

    Schedule Basis

    Specify the Schedule Basis for Rollover as required. The options are:

    • Product
    • Contract
    • Special