2 Module-wise Sample Reports

This topic explains the module wise sample reports that you can generate in each module of Oracle Banking Treasury Management.

Reports provide details of various events in the life of a specific contract, or across contracts at a particular point of time. For every module in Oracle Banking Treasury Management, you can generate the sample reports.

Sample Reports in Common Core Module

Table 2-1 Common Core Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. SMRBASTA Batch Performance Statistics Maximum, minimum and average performance record of each batch operation across all the branches in Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
2. SMRCONTL Change Control Log This report provides the change log details.
3. SMREVNLO Event Log This report provides the event log details.
4. SMRNWUSR New User Created The report provides the new user details.
5. SMRROLPR Role Profile This report provides the details of the role profiles.
6. SMRSUMRY User Role Summary This report provides the user role summary details.
7. SSRCONTL User Change Control Log This report provides the user Change log details.
8. SSRPINST Security Maintenance Inactive User This report provides the security maintenance inactive users details.
9. SSRUSLOG User Log details This report provides the user log details
10. SSRUSRDS Disabled Users System Violation Log This report provides the disabled user’s system violation log details.
11. SSRUSSTS User Status Log This report provides the user status log details.

Sample Reports in Foreign Exchange Module

Table 2-2 Foreign Exchange Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. CYRFWRAT Currency Forward Rates Report This report gives details about forward rates for different currency pairs over a given period.
2. FXRPCCYA Foreign Exchange Currency Analysis Report This report gives the net currency position due to contracts maturing within a specified period.
3. FXRPCCYT Foreign Exchange Tenor-wise Currency Position Report This report gives the net currency position due to contracts tenor-wise (spot, one month, two months, etc.)
4. FXRPCPCO Foreign Exchange counterparty confirmation report - options This report gives the details of unconfirmed contracts; i.e. the confirmation details are not entered through the Confirmation screen for the contracts.
5. FXRPDLY Foreign Exchange Daily Activity report - Option This report gives details of the activities performed on contracts in the FX module during the day. If the report is generated as a part of End of Day process all the activities during the day is reported.
6. FXRPOVD Foreign Exchange contract Overrides Report This report gives details of all contracts on which overrides were displayed during contract processing.
7. FXRPBRDT Foreign Exchange Brokerage Details Report - Options The processed brokerage details report gives details of brokerage that are processed against the contracts.
8. FXRPEXP Foreign Exchange Exception Report - Options Every beginning and End of Day, certain automated processes are performed to liquidate contracts, perform rollovers,etc. If an automated activity was not performed, it is reported in the Exception Report along with the reason for which the activity was not performed.
9. FXRDIRAT Foreign Exchange discounting Rate Report This report provides information on the currency used, period code and discount date.
10. FXRNETMA Foreign Netting Agreement Report This report provides information on the Netted Foreign Exchange contracts.
11. FXRPBRCO Foreign Exchange Brokerage Confirmation Journal - Options This reports provides information on the amount, deal currency and the broker code of contracts.
12. FXRPCNMD Foreign Exchange Instruments Falling due for Redemption This report provides information on maturity date, sold currency, bought currency, sold amount and bought amount of contracts.
13. FXRPPREX Foreign Exchange Process Exception Report This Process exception report provides information on process exception.

Sample Reports in Money Market Module

Table 2-3 Money Market Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. MMRPBRDT Money Market Brokerage Details Report This report provides information such as maturity date, brokerage amount and deal status about money market deals. Set preferences as to the generation of the report using Money Market Brokerage Details Report Options screen.
2. MMRPBRCF Money Market Broker Confirmation Pending Report The Broker confirmation pending report provides details of deals that are pending for broker confirmation.
3. MMRPCPCN Money Market Counterparty Confirmation Pending Report The Counterparty confirmation pending report provides details of deals that are pending for counterparty confirmation.
4. MMRPOSCH Overdue Schedules Report The Customer-wise Details report provides details of all contracts where the counter-party involved is a specific customer of your bank.
5. MMRPMATR Maturity Report This report provides information on Money Market contract details by allowing user to query using fields such as Product type, maturity type, Liquidation mode and value date

Sample Reports in Derivatives Module

Table 2-4 Derivative Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. DVRPACCR Interest Accrual Report This report provides the contract details where interest has been accrued.
2. DVRPCACT Back Dated Details Report The Back Dated Deals report gives details that are inserted into the system with the value date earlier than that ofBooking Date
3. DVRPCACT Contract Activity Report This report gives details of the activities performed on contracts in the DV module during the day.
4. DVRPCSDT Customer-Wise Contract Details Report The Customer-wise Details report provides details of all contracts where the counter-party involved is a specific customer of your bank.
5. DVRPCSSM Customer Wise Summary Report The Customer-wise summary report summarizes the details of all contracts where the counter-party involved in the contract is the specified customer. After indicating the name of the customer, the report contains the details of contracts where the specified customer is the counter-party involved.
6. DVRPEXCP Process Exception Report This report provides information on exceptions during processing of contracts.
7. DVRPRVAL Revaluation Log Report The revaluation log report provides the details of the option contracts that are revalued periodically.
8. DVRPSTLD Settled Deals Report The Settled Deals report options screen provides a detailed report on all contracts which were settled as well as on those contracts which were terminated.

Sample Reports in Options Module

Table 2-5 Options Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. OTRPRFIX Options Rate Fixing Report The Rate Fixing Report provides the rate fixing details of interest rate options.
2. OTRPRVAL Options Revaluation Report The Options Revaluation Report provides the details of the option contracts that are revalued periodically.

Sample Reports in Securities Module

Table 2-6 Securities Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. SERCPDUE Corporate Action Tracking Coupon EXDATE The report displays all the corporate action records of the securities for the specified dates.
2. SERCPFLP Coupon Flipping The Coupon Flipping report gives the details of the previous coupon and the next coupon for a particular security.
3. SERACTVT Security Activities This report gives details of the activities performed on contracts in the Securities module during the day
4. SERBKDDL Backdated Deals Report The Back Dated Deals report gives details that are inserted into the system with the value date earlier than that of Booking Date.
5. SERCUCDL Confirmed/Unconfirmed Report This report gives the details of confirmed / unconfirmed contracts.
6. SERMATRP Securities Maturity Report This report provides information on Securities contract details by allowing user to query using fields such as Product type, maturity type, Liquidation mode and value date.
7. SEROVDRP Securities Contracts Overrides Report This report gives details of all contracts on which overrides were displayed during contract processing.

Sample Reports in Brokerage Module

Table 2-7 Brokerage Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. BRRASSOC Brokerage Association Report This report gives details of all associated brokers. It is printed daily as part of the batch process. You can configure this report to display details of brokerage contract.

Sample Reports in Tax Module

Table 2-8 Tax Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. TARAYABL Tax Payable Report The Tax Payable Report gives details of all taxes that are to be paid over a period in time.

Sample Reports in Islamic Money Market Module

Table 2-9 Money Market Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. MCRPACCR Accrual Control Report This report provides a summary of the accrual control as of a selected accrual processing date.
2. MCRPBRCF Broker Confirmation Pending Report The Broker confirmation pending report provides details of deals that are pending for broker confirmation.
3. MCRPBRDT Islamic Money Market Brokerage Details Report This report provides the brokerage details.
4. MCRPCALC Islamic Money Market Profit Calculation Report This report provides the profit details for one or more contracts for a selected date range
5. MCRPCPCN Islamic Money Market Counterparty Confirmation Pending Journal report This report provides details on confirmation pending journals.
6. MCRPEVNT Contract Event Details Report This report provides the event details contracts associated with a specific product or all products.
7. MCRPFRWD Islamic Money Market Forward Contracts Report This report provides the details of Islamic money market forward contracts.
8. MCRPFWCH Islamic Money Market Forward Changes Report This re.port provides the details of Islamic money market forward changes.
9. MCRPMATR Maturity Report This report provides the maturity details of Islamic money market contracts.
10. MCRPOSCH Overdue Schedule Report This report provides the schedule overdue details of Islamic money market contracts.
11. MCRPRETR Contract Retrieval Report This report provides the retrieval details of Islamic money market contracts.
12. MCRPREVN Rate Revision Report This report provides the retrieval details of Islamic money market contracts.

Sample Reports in Islamic Derivative Module

Table 2-10 Derivative Sample Reports

S.No Function Id Report Name Report Details
1. IDRPACCR Profit Accrual Report This report provides the contract details where profit has been accrued.
2. IDRPBKDT Back Dated Details Report The Back Dated Deals report gives details that are inserted into the system with the value date earlier than that of Booking Date
3. IDRPCACT Contract Activity Report This report gives details of the activities performed on contracts in the Islamic Derivatives module during the day.
4. IDRPCSDT Customer-Wise Details This Customer-wise Details report provides details of all contracts where the counter-party involved is a specific customer of your bank.
5. IDRPCSSM Customer Wise Summary Report The Customer-wise summary report summarizes the details of all contracts where the counter-party involved in the contract is the specified customer.After indicating the name of the customer, the report contains the details of contracts where the specified customer is the counter-party involved.
6. IDRPEXCP Process Exception Report This report provides information on exceptions during processing of contracts.
7. IDRPRVAL Revaluation Log Report The revaluation log report provides the details of the option contracts that are revalued periodically.
8. IDRPSTLD Settled Deals Report The Settled Deals report options screen provides a detailed report on all contracts which were settled as well as on those contracts which were terminated.