
This manual is designed to help you to quickly get acquainted with the Securities module.

This preface has the following topics:


This guide is intended for Back Office Data Entry Clerk, Back Office Managers/ Officers, Product Managers, End of Day Operators, and Financial Controller users.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The acronyms and abbreviations are listed in this below table:

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviations or Acronyms Definition


Automated End of Day


Alternative Investment Fund


Bankers Acceptance


Corporate Deposit


Continuous Linked Settlement


Customer Information Files








End of Financial Input


End of Day


Exchange Traded Derivatives


Foreign Exchange


Financial Institutions


General Ledger


Interest Accrual


Initial Public Offerings


Internal Revenue Service


Interest Commission Charge and Fee


Local Currency


London Interbank Offered Rate


Money Market


Non Bank Financial Institutions


Oracle Banking Treasury Management


Over the Counter Options


Risk Free Rates




Securities Repo


Yield to Maturity


Weighted Average Costing


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Table -2 Conventions and Meaning

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

List of Topics

This guide is organized as follows:
Topics Description
Overview of Securities Domain Explains the overview of the securities domain.
Overview of Securities Explains the snapshot of the features and functionality offered by the module.
General Maintenance Explains the general maintenance deals by setting up and maintaining basic information, before the Securities module becomes operational.
Maintain Price Details Explains the maintenance of price details deals by updating the current market price of various securities maintained in the system.
Maintain Market Price Codes Explains the maintenance of market price codes deals by maintaining codes for the market price of securities including multiple price codes on account of trading in different markets.
Maintain Safe Keeping Locations Explains the maintenance of safe keeping locations deals by defining safe keeping locations and maintaining safe keeping accounts for trading securities.
Building Branch and Currency Restriction Class Explains the building branch process and currency restriction classes details on the parameters to be defined and maintained governing the rules of processing securities, and define branch, currency, and customer restrictions as class.
Account Role to Head Mapping Class Explains the concept of accounting roles and accounting heads. Also it describes the building of accounting role to head mapping classes.
Define Security Preference Class Explains the options available for defining the attributes of a security. This chapter explains the building of a security preference class.
Maintain Portfolio Preference Explains the building of a portfolio preference class.
Define Deal Preference Class Explains the building of a deal preference class.
Security Restriction Class Explains the concept of a security restrictions class and the procedure of building one.
Maintain Portfolio Restriction Class Explains the concept of a Portfolio Restrictions Class and the procedure involved in building one.
Define Attributes of a Security Product Explains the concept of a product and the building of a Securities Product in Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Define Attributes of a Portfolio Product Explains how you can build a portfolio product.
Define Attributes of a Deal Product Explains the procedure of building a Deal Product.
Define Product Combination Explains the procedure of setting up products that cater to deal combinations.
Maintain Security Explains the details that need to be entered in order to maintain a security.
Maintain and Process Corporate Action Explains the maintenance of corporate actions and the processing of corporate action events.
Define Portfolios Explains the procedure of setting up of Portfolios for the Bank, their customers and for an Issuer of securities.
Process Securities Deal Explains the processing of securities deal.
Process a Block Securities Deal Explains the manner in which block deals are processed in Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Securities Transfer Across Locations Explains how to transfer securities from one Safe Keeping location to another or from one account to another within the same location. In addition, it also tells how to stop a specified quantity of securities from being traded in the market.
Maintain Block Security details Explains the process of specifying a quantity of securities to be stopped from being traded in the market.
Bonds Provisioning Explains the provisioning process to be added to the bond.
Bond Status Change Explains the overview of the Status changes process for a bond.
Batch Process Explains the Beginning and End of Day functions that are processed by the system.
Credit Default Index Explains the overview of the processing of Credit derivative Swap Index (CDI) instrument.
RFR For Securities Explains the complete overview of the risk free rates which can be applied for the security contract.
Customer Correspondence Explains the various types of advices generated at each stage, for the Securities module.
Making Queues Explains the process make queries for specific information. It also details the steps to follow for building a query.
Error Codes Explains the error codes and messages for Securities module that one may encounter, while working with Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Annexure A - Accounting Entries and Advices Explains the suggested event-wise accounting entries and advices for the Securities module.

Related Resources

For more information, see these Oracle Banking Treasury Management resources:

  • The Procedures User Manual

  • The Products User Manual

Symbols and Icons

Table -3 Symbols

Icons Function
Exit Exit
Add Add row
Delete Delete row
Option List Option List