
  1. On the Credit Derivative Instrument Product Definition screen, click Reference.

    Reference Details screen is displayed.

    Figure 29-6 Reference Details

    Description of dsdinprd_cvs_reference.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration dsdinprd_cvs_reference.jpg
  2. On the Reference Details screen, specify the details as required.

    For field description, see the below table

    Table 29-4 Reference Details - Field Description

    Field Description

    Reference Type

    Denotes if the reference is an index or a standalone asset.

    Instrument family

    Used to define the sector:

    • For INDEX: Main, Crossover, Financials, etc.
    • For SINGLENAME: Corporate, Sovereign, etc.

    Clearing Eligible

    Select the checkbox If the Instrument has to be cleared.

    Clearing Venue

    Default Place of Settlement for the Instrument.

    Delivery preference

    Preference of Delivery in case of generic Credit Events on the Reference Entity

    SRO applicable

    Indicates if the Reference Obligation is same as the Standard Reference Obligation published for a specified Reference Entity and Seniority Level.

    Not applicable for Index Instruments

    Index product

    Mark it Index product for confirmation purposes

    Credit Events

    List of credit events applicable to the instrument. Type Name would be fetched from CODTRTYP with Type= CREDIT_EVENT

    Credit Event Description

    Description of credit events. Type value to be defaulted from CODTRTYP with Type= CREDIT_EVENT

    Restructuring type

    ISDA document class code applicable for Restructuring Credit Event.

    Not applicable for Index Instruments