26.1 Securities Security Product Definition

This topic describes the systematic instruction of Securities Security Product Definition.

  1. On the Homepage, type SEDSEPRD in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    Securities Security Product Definition screen is displayed.

    Figure 27-1 Securities Security Product Definition

    Description of Figure 27-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 27-1 Securities Security Product Definition"
  2. On the Securities Security Product Definition screen, click Preference.

    Security Preferences screen is displayed.

    Figure 27-2 Security Preferences

    Description of Figure 27-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 27-2 Security Preferences"
  3. On the Security Preference screen, click Status

    Status Control Properties screen is displayed.

    Figure 27-3 Status Control Properties

    Description of sedeprd_cvs_status.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration sedeprd_cvs_status.jpg

    Select Manual Provisioning flag to denote that the provisioning must be allowed and processed during the lifecycle of portfolios having a holding in this instrument.

  4. On the Status Control Properties screen specify the details as required.

    For information on fields, see the below table:

    Table 27-1 Status Control Properties - Field Description

    Fields Description


    Denotes the user defined status code that is used in the life cycle of the instrument.

    Status Description

    Full description of the status code used above.


    Field to indicate that the user defined status is equivalent of write-off. Status change into this status is treated as write-off.

    The status in SEDTRONL is updated with this status by default.

    Adversity Level

    This is display only field which shows the adversity level of a contract.

    Partial Impairment Allowed

    Check this box to indicate that status is meant for impairment.

    Impairment Type

    Select the Impairment Type from the adjoining drop-down list. The valid values are:
    • GL Transfer - Deal Nominal, Coupon Accruals, Discount/Premium Accruals would be moved to GLs as per maintenance in SEDSTPRP.
    • Book Impairment - An Impairment deal would be booked.
    Impairment Type Should be same for all status.

    Reverse Impairment

    Check this box to indicate that reverse impairment is allowed during end of impairment accounting frequency. Reverse Impairment can be enabled only when partial impairment is allowed.

    Impairment Accounting Frequency

    Select the Impairment Accounting Frequency from the adjoining drop-down list. The valid values available are:
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
    If reverse impairment is enabled, Impairment Accounting Frequency should be provided; otherwise, it is not applicable.

    Exclude Impairment Reversal during End of the year

    Check this box to indicate that bank is realizing the impairment loss in previous financial year. Exclude Impairment Reversal during end of year is not applicable if reverse impairment is not enabled.

    Stop Accrual

    Indicates that accruals (interest/premium/discount) are discontinued for portfolios having position in this instrument (under this product).

    Reverse Accrual

    Check this box to indicate that accruals are reversed portfolios having position in this instrument.

    Stop Revaluation

    Check this box to indicate the discontinued Realized amount before impairment for the affected position.

    Reverse Revaluation

    Check this box to indicate the reversal realized amount before impairment for the affected position. Reverse revaluation can be enabled only when Stop Revaluation is enabled.

    '+', ' - ', '<', '>'

    Navigation fields to add/remove/view additional status and their properties