24.2 Specify Details of Parties Involved in Block Security

This topic describes the systematic instruction to specify details of parties involved in block security.

The Parties screen can be used to record details related to all the parties involved in the block security.

  1. On the Securities Block or Release Block Input screen, click Parties.

    Party Details screen is displayed.

  2. On the Party Details screen, specify the following details:

    For more information on these fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 24-10 Party Details - Field Description

    Field Field Description

    Leg Reference Number

    The system displays the leg reference number


    The system displays the description for the leg reference number


    The system displays the counterparty

    SK Location

    The system displays the SK location

    Portfolio ID

    The system displays the Portfolio ID

    Settlement SKL

    The system displays the place of settlement

    Security ID

    The system displays the Security ID


    The system displays the messages

    Advice Code

    The system displays the advice code

    Advice Description

    The system displays the description for the advice

    Party ID

    The system displays the party ID


    The system displays the description of the party

    Address 1 – 6

    Specify the address lines 1 to 6 for the selected Party ID.

    Additional Information 1 – 3

    Specify the additional information, if any.

    Party Type

    Specify the party type. The adjoining option list displays the party types maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.


    The system will display the description of the party type

    Party ID

    Specify the party ID from the adjoining option list. The list will display all valid party IDs maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

    Counterparty Account

    Specify the counterparty account

    Address 1-4

    Specify the address lines 1 to 4 for the selected Party ID.

    Settlement Parties information default happens for the multiple portfolio maintained during creation.

    The Message MT54x gets generated for the BOOK event for the Linked Block Deal. The message generates the SETPRTY details for party type REAG, BUYR and PSET value. You can check the message in linked block deal screen under BOOK event.

    You can liquidate or release the security block deal from the ‘Securities Block/Release Block Input’ screen, RBLK event gets triggered generating MT54x message. Linked Block deal gets reversed with event REVR triggered. MT54x message gets generated as part of reversal event, the field 23G in message displays ‘CANC’ tag.

    The system will perform the following validations:
    • The system validates when the existing address line to address line 4 is modified.
    • Validate on booking of Repo contract message MT542/543 gets generated based on the flag Delivery vs Payment flag is enabled or toggled off to the linked block deal.