18.2.10 Specify Price Details

Specify the following price details for a security:

  • The Initial Face Value
  • The Issue Price
  • The Redemption Price

Table 18-3 Information table

Term Description

Initial Face Value

This is the actual unit face value of the security you are maintaining, as of the Issue Date. This price is also referred to as the par value of the security.

Issuer price

An issuer can offer a security at a premium or at a discount with respect to the par value, on the Issue Date. You can capture the offer price (the purchase price), or the Issue Price for a security that you are maintaining.


  • You must capture the Issue Price of Zero Coupon Bonds

Current Face Value

This is a system-generated value, giving the current Face value of the security. This is the same as the Initial Face Value but may differ in case of split or reduction of face value by the issuer to increase the capital base. When viewing the details of bonds, defined with quantity redemption, you can view the face value as of the current system date.


The price at which an issuer redeems a security is referred to, in Oracle Banking Treasury Management, as the Redemption Price. Enter the Redemption Price of the security, when defining it in this screen.