1.8 Population of UDF Values at the Contract Level

This topic describes the systematic instructions to populate the UDF values at the contract level.

The defaulted or derived values of the UDF linked at the product level will be populated in the Contract Input screen at the time of processing contracts under a particular product. Similarly, the values of the UDF’s linked to a function Id will be populated in the function Id screen. The UDF’s linked to a particular product will be available when a contract is processed under that product.
  1. On the Contract Input screen, click Fields button.
    User Defined Fields screen displays.

    Figure 1-10 User Defined Fields

    Description of Figure 1-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-10 User Defined Fields"

    In this screen, all the user defined fields associated with the product under which you are processing the contract will be displayed.

    According to your specifications at the time of defining the user defined fields, system may derive the values of the UDF from:
    • Derivation Logic: When you click ‘Fields’ button, system derives and displays the values of the fields for which derivation rules are written. The value description is also displayed alongside.
    • Static List of Values: If the validation type of the UDF that is associated with the contract is ‘List of Values’ (LoV), system will display the static values, along with the value description. If you have indicated a default value for the LoV, the default value and its description will be displayed. When a user selects the value from the LoV, the system displays the description on the screen.
    • Method of derivation for cube entity fields: If a UDF is of type Cube Entity, system populates the values in a LoV. The values will be derived from the specified Oracle Banking Treasury Management table (if the cube entity type is ‘Static’) or from the query written by the user (if the cube entity type is ‘Dynamic’)

    You will not be allowed to change the values of the fields for which you have not allowed amendment (if the option ‘Amendable is unchecked at the time of defining an UDF) and derivation is allowed (Option ‘Derivation Allowed’ is checked).

  2. Enter the values for the fields, for which the values are not derived by the system.

    You can change the value of a UDF after the system has derived the value from the derivation logic. But it might so happen that the derivation logic of another UDF might use the value of the UDF that you have changed. Consequently, if you change the value of the UDF whose value is used in another UDF, the value of that UDF will also change.

    For example, let us assume that you have defined a user defined field UDF1 to display the Euro equivalent of the contract currency.

    The derivation logic of another user defined field (UDF2) utilizes the values of UDF1 to arrive at the value of UDF2. Assume that in the derivation logic written for UDF2, you have specified that the value of UDF2= 2 UDF1.

    At the contract level, system converts the contract currency into Euro equivalent and displays the value of UDF1, as 220.00. According to this value of UDF2 will be 444.00. However, if you change the value of UDF1 to 250.00, it will effect on the value of UDF2 also (it becomes 500.00).

    If the change in the UDF value has effected any other UDF, system will display an override informing you about the UDF whose value will be changed.

  3. Select Ok button if you want the system to re-calculate the value of the UDF based on the modified UDF value.
  4. Click the Ok button to close the screen.