7.2.2 Book Queue

The Book queue is a temporary parking queue. The Book queue is having all the contracts for which contract status is Unprocessed. This is having all the new contracts, amendment of contracts and cancellation of the contract which has come from the front office system. The deals which have not yet taken for processing in the CW pre-settlement layer is available in this queue. Users will not be able to view the contacts in the book queue, as the contracts will remain in this queue for a very short period of time.

Operations Allowed

User are allowed to view the contract details from BOOK queue. Users are not allowed to do any amendment to the contract when it is in this queue.


  • A job is configured on the BOOK queue. These will pick up the unprocessed record from the queue and process accordingly.
  • Based on the message type in the record, a decision is taken whether the record is a NEW contract, Amend of an existing contract, Cancel of an existing contract.
  • BOOK Queue will process each message sequentially based on the settlement number given from the front office.
  • Based on type of message basic checks is done and the deal is moved to one of the queues for user intervention and verification or STP to Product processor.
  • If the contract is in the verification queue or is in the state of STP to product processor BOOK queue processing will not pick up the contract. It will wait until the contract is out of the verification queue or the STP process is complete and will process the contract.
  • The STP process from the Pre- Settlement manager to the product processor is asynchronous. There is Jobs that is polling on the Pre- Settlement manager data store and whenever there is a request to product processor it will pick up the record and process. Once it is in the book queue system will generate the Pre-Settlement reference number which is a unique number at the Pre- Settlement manager. This is used for any further reference.
  • For new contract Pre- Settlement manager will resolve the product which is to be used for booking the contract. This is needed for the selection of SI (Settlement Instructions) and other restrictions applied to the contract.