3.5 Product Derivation Rule

This topic describes the systematic instructions to maintain product derivation rule.

  1. On Home page, specify TRDPRDRL in the text box, and click next arrow.

    Treasury Product Derivation Rule Maintenance is displayed.

    Figure 3-5 Treasury Product Derivation Rule Maintenance

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Treasury Product Derivation Rule Maintenance"
  2. On Treasury Product Derivation Rule Maintenance screen, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 3-7 Treasury Product Derivation Rule Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description

    Select the Module Code for Product Deviation.

    Sequence Number

    Unique number for the each conditions. This is populated by the system, starting from 1 and incrementing by 1.


    User can enter the condition for the product derivation by using the system tags, operations, functions and logical operations.

    Product Code

    Derived product code.

    System Derived Attribute

    Pre-defined system tags to be used for the product derivation.


    Function that can be used for product derivation.


    Operations that can be derived for product derivation.

    Logical Operators

    Logical operation to be used for product derivation.

    Operations Supported are:

    • New
    • Modify
    • Authorize
    • Close
    • Reopen

    Users can maintain any number of conditions for the selected module. On selection of the tags / Functions/operations from the fields, the system will default the same to the condition field on the cursor position. It is possible to modify the conditions. But the updated condition is applicable only for the new deals. On authorization of the screen system will generate a dynamic package with the name, c3gf#_<Modue Name>_derive_product.

    Upon receiving a request from the front office system will check the conditions in sequential order. If any condition is satisfied, the system will take the corresponding product. The conditions with a sequence number greater than the sequence of the satisfying record is skipped.

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