
This topic contains following sub-topics:


Oracle Financial Services Software Limited has developed new product processor, Oracle Banking Treasury Management (OBTR), which is a comprehensive solution for managing Treasury operations for Banks. Oracle Banking Treasury Management is an online Real-time solution and enabled for a multi-entity, multi-currency, multi-lingual operations. OBTR is built on highly adaptable and modular architecture with leading edge industry standards and supports multi-tenancy deployments.

OBTR offers financial institutions, the flexibility to adapt to changing regulatory reforms in treasury markets and enable banks to improve their overall operational efficiency. OBTR provides end-to end trading capabilities for diverse range of Trading Instruments in Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, Securities, Derivatives and Over-the-counter products. OBTR is equipped with an innovative pre- settlement manager that expedites and simplifies the operational flow of the Treasury Deals.


The purpose of this Release Note is to propagate the features of Oracle Banking Treasury Management


This document is intended for the following audience:

  • Customers
  • Partners


Table -1 Abbreviation

Abbreviation Description
DDA Demand Deposit Account
EMIR European Market Infrastructure Regulation
FRA Forward Rate Agreement
JDK Java Development Kit
LEI Legal Entity Identifier
MDB Message Driven Bean
OTC Over the counter
OBDX Oracle Banking Digital Experience
OBTF Oracle Banking Trade Finance
OBTR Oracle Banking Treasury Management
OBPM Oracle Banking Payments
UTI Unique Trade Identifier

List of Topics

Topics Description
Release Notes - Introduction This topic provides the information on the release enhancements for Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Components of the Software This topic consists of the technology pre-requisites required for Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Environment Details This topic provides the information on the environment details for Oracle Banking Treasury Management.
Third Party Software Details This topic provides the information on licensing of third-party software that are packaged with Oracle Banking Treasury Management.

Related Documents

For more information on any related features, you can refer to the following documents:

  • Oracle Banking Treasury Management User Manuals
  • Oracle Banking Treasury Management License Guide