1.2.3 Oracle Banking Payments Implementation

This topic provides the API information for Oracle Banking Payments Implementation.

The following APIs is configured for Oracle Banking Payments Implementation using Oracle Banking Routing Hub:

  1. PendingPaymentQuery
  2. StrcAddressServiceCreate
  3. StrcAddressServiceModify
  4. StrcAddressServiceClose
  5. StrcAddressServiceReopen
  6. CreateExtVirtualAcc
  7. ModifyExtVirtualAcc
  8. CloseExtVirtualAcc
  9. ReopenExtVirtualAcc


  • API - /api-gateway/cmc-obrh-services/route/dispatch
  • Host - OBPM
  • Version - 14.4
Environment variables are used to set values for the headers. Set environment specific values for variables like User ID, Branch code.

Figure 1-12 Edit Service Consumer - Oracle Banking Payments

Refer the Environment Variable Configuration topic to set the values in Edit Service Consumer screen.

The following Service Providers and Consumer Services needs to be configured in Oracle Banking Routing Hub: