4 Oracle® Banking Virtual Account Management Job

This topic describes about Oracle® Banking Virtual Account Management Job names and its description.

Table 4-1 Oracle® Banking Virtual Account Management Job

Serial Number Milestone Job Name Description
1 MCUT Pending Check Task to check if any pending maintenance or transaction exist. This pending check task will fail if there is any unauthorized maintenance or transaction. If pending check task fails, you should check for unauthorized maintenance or transaction and take necessary action. This action could be authorizing/ deleting maintenance/ transaction.
2 MCUT MarkCutOff Job to mark cut off.
3 MCUT pauseVDTurnOver Job to pause Intraday VdBalance and Turnover job.
4 MCUT VDBalanceUpdate Job to calculate value dated balances for virtual accounts.
5 MCUT entityPositionsUpdate Job to calculate Inter Entity Positions for a customer.
6 MCUT VamIcMaintQueueUpdate Job to update IC maintenance queue for value dated balance changes.
7 EOD ChargeCalculation Job to run charge calculation.
8 EOD ChargePosting Job to run charge posting.
9 MCUT turnOverBalanceUpdate Job to calculate turnover balance for a virtual account which is used for charge calculations.
10 MCUT ICMarkCutoff Job to mark cutoff so that interest processing can start.
11 MCUT ICBEOD Job to process interest calculations.
12 EOFI MarkEOFI Job to mark EOFI.
13 EOFI EodStatement Job to generate EOD statement.
14 EOFI InitiateAccountStatement Initiate Account Statement Generation.
15 EOFI ForgetEntity Job to forget virtual entity.
16 EOFI ForgetVirAccount Job to forget virtual account.
17 EOFI ForgetCoreCustomer Job to forget core customer.
18 EOFI ForgetCoreAccount Job to forget core account.
19 BOD ChangeDate Job to change branch date.
20 BOD UncollectedAmount Job to release the uncollected amount.
21 BOD ICFlipDate Job to change branch date.
22 BOD bodIepPositionsJob Job to stamp the start of the day Inter Entity positions for the specific date
23 BOD ResetSequenceWorkflow Job to reset the sequence used to generate processing reference number for transactions, amount block/eca, internal transfer and statements.
23a BOD ResetSequenceSubWorkflow Job to reset the sequence used to generate processing reference number for transactions, amount block/eca, internal transfer and statements.
24 RCUT ReleaseCutOff Job to release cutoff after interest processing is done.
25 RCUT ICReleaseCutoff Job to release IC cutoff after interest processing is done.
26 RCUT resumeVDTurnOver Resume VD Balance Turnover.
27 RCUT UntankBalance Job to untank accounting entries.
28 RCUT MarkAccountInactive Job to mark virtual accounts inactive.
29 RCUT AmountBlockExpiry Job to mark amount block expired based on expiry date.
30 RCUT CreditlimitUtil Job to re- valuate credit limit utilization based on updated exchange rates.
31 RCUT VATxnUTilization Job to reset the virtual account level transaction limit restriction and move existing to history.


The Charge Calculation (ChargeCalculation) and Charge Posting (ChargePosting) jobs are allowed to be configured either before date flip (EOD) or after date flip (BOD). Based on the bank's requirement, this can be configured. By default, these jobs are shipped with EOD configuration.