5 Intraday Jobs

This topic provide information about the Intraday Jobs that runs during the day based on the configured frequency.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

5.1 Create Task

This topic describes the systematic instructions to create the task.

Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Intraday jobs required the following tasks to be created:
  1. On Home screen, under Task Management menu, click Create Task.
    The Create Task screen displays.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  2. Specify the values mentioned in the following table.

    Table 5-1 Intraday Job - Task Values

    S No Task Name Description Task Definition
    1 savetoChargeCalCollJobSchedule Intra day job to process entries (customer/structure/decision/preferential decision) enabled for charges and push the data to charge computation tables appId:::VAMLMCHG;microServiceName:::vamlm-charge-services;contextRoot:::vamlm-charge-services;jobName:::savetoChargeCalCollJob;appCode:::VAMCHG;type:::schedule;cronExpression:::0 0 */3 ? * *;
    2 entityPositionsUpdateJobSchedule Intra day job to update the inter entity positions. appId:::VIE;microServiceName:::obvam-iep-services;contextRoot:::obvam-iep-services;jobName:::entityPositionsUpdateJob;appCode:::VIE;type:::schedule;cronExpression:::0 */7 * ? * *;
    3 valueDateUpdateJobSchedule Intra day job to process the transaction entries and updated the value dated balance of virtual account based on specific flag. appId:::VAM;microServiceName:::obvam-account-services;contextRoot:::obvam-account-services;jobName:::valueDateUpdateJob;appCode:::VAM;vdBatchCount:::1;type:::schedule;cronExpression:::0 */5 * ? * *;
    4 virtualAccountCloseJobSchedule Intra day job to process closure of virtual account that includes checks in other domain, balance transfer , interest liquidation and updating the status of account. appId:::VAM;microServiceName:::obvam-account-services;contextRoot:::obvam-account-services;jobName:::virtualAccountCloseJob;type:::schedule;cronExpression:::0 */3 * ? * *;
  3. Click Create to create the task for each intraday job.

5.2 Configure Tasks

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the tasks.

The Configured intra-day jobs will get triggered as per the specified Cron Expression, for the Create Task the scheduler needs to be configured as shown as follows.
  1. On Home screen, under Task Management menu, click Configure Tasks.
    The Configure Tasks screen displays.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  2. Select the Schedule option.
  3. Click the Search icon and select the Task Name from the drop-down list.
  4. Specify the trigger name in Task Trigger Name field.
  5. Specify the required CRON expression in CRON Expression field.
  6. Click Save to configure the task.