3.1 Account Sanction Status History

This topic describes the systematic instructions to view the history of sanction status updates of a virtual account.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Virtual Account Management. Under Virtual Account Management, click Queries.
  2. Under Queries, click Account Sanction Status History.
    The Account Sanction Status History screen displays.

    Figure 3-1 Account Sanction Status History

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-1 Account Sanction Status History – Field Description

    Field Description
    Virtual Account Number Click Search to view and select the Virtual Account Number.
    Virtual Account Name Displays the Virtual Account Name based on Virtual Account Number selected.
    Date Range Select the start and end date from the drop-down calendar.
  3. Click Query to view account sanction status history details.

    Table 3-2 Account Sanction Status History (Search Result) – Field Description

    Field Description
    Source Reference Displays the source reference number.
    Reference Number Displays the reference number.
    Sanction Status Displays the sanction status.
    Maker ID Displays the maker ID.
    Authorized ID Displays the Authorized ID.
    Date Displays the date.
    Remarks Displays the remarks.
  4. Click Reset to clear the search criteria.