2.3.2 View Journal Online

This topic describes the systematic instructions to view a list of journal online transactions.

The user can post debit/credit transactions to the virtual accounts using the Create Journal Online.
Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Virtual Account Management. Under Virtual Account Management, click Transactions.
  2. Under Transactions, click Journal Online. Under Journal Online, click View Journal Online.
    The View Journal Online screen displays. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-7 View Journal Online – Field Description

    Field Description
    Processing Reference Number Displays the processing reference number.
    Source Reference Number Displays the source reference number.
    Source Code Displays the source code.
    Authorized Status Displays the authorization status of the record.
    The options are:
    • Authorized
    • Rejected
    • Unauthorized
    Transaction Status Displays the transaction status of the record.
    The options are:
    • Active
    • Reversed
    • Pending
    • Expired

Reverse the Journal:

  1. On View Journal Online screen, click three-dots icon, and click Reverse.
    The Reversal Confirmation popup screen displays.

    Figure 2-9 Reversal Confirmation

  2. Click View to view the data before proceeding with the reversal.
  3. Click Proceed to proceed with the reversal.
    The Reversal Remarks popup screen displays.
  4. Specify the remarks in the Remarks field.
  5. Click Confirm to reverse the journal transaction.


Once the maker reverses the journal transaction, the checker needs to authorize the original journal transaction which is marked for reversal. The system will automatically create a reversal transaction in authorized status once the original journal marked for reversal is authorized.

Table 2-8 Journal Reversal - Sample Process Flow

SL No Description Processing Reference Number Original Reference Number Authorization Status Transaction Status
1 Maker creates a Journal transaction TXREF1234567 - Unauthorized Active
2 Checker approves the journal transaction TXREF1234567 - Authorized Active
3 Maker reverses the journal transaction TXREF1234567 - Unauthorized Reversed
4a Checker approves the journal transaction marked for reversal TXREF1234567 - Authorized Reversed
4b System automatically creates a reversal transaction in authorized status REVREF1234567 TXREF1234567 Authorized Active