9 Oracle Analytic Server Setup

This topic provides the information to configure the Oracle Analytic Server for Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture.

9.1 Prerequisites

This topic describes about prerequisites for Oracle analytic server setup.

  • Make sure that the machine is installed with Java JDK.


    For the exact version to be installed, refer to Software Prerequisites section in Release Notes.
  • Oracle Analytics Server 5.5.0

9.2 Start BI Server

This topic provides systematic instructions to start BI server.

  1. Start the WebLogic server and analytics server.
  2. Check the WebLogic console whether analytics server is running.

9.3 Upload BI Reports

This topic provides systematic instructions to upload BI reports.

  1. Login to the Analytics server console.
  2. Open the OSDC and check for the report Catalog object \{unzip folder}\REP\{reportfilename}.xdrz or any other Catalog objects listed below:

    Table 9-1 Upload BI Reports

    Catalog Object Extensions Supported
    Data Model .xdmz
    Folder .xdrz
    Report .xdoz
    Style Template .xssz
    Subtemplate .xsbz
  3. Upload the catalog object to Analytics Server.

9.4 Test BI Reports

This topic provides systematic instructions to test BI reports.

  1. Open the application, and go the Reports section of the application.
  2. Choose the report generation criteria. For example, Start Date or End Date.
  3. Choose the format of the report.
  4. Generate the report.


    If the format of the report selected is PDF, a PDF report is generated.