1.3.7 Membership / Association

This topic provides information about the customer is a member in or associated with any institution, the relationship manager can add details about the same in this data segment.

  1. Click Next in theAdditional Information screen.
    The Membership / Association screen displays.

    Figure 1-51 Enrichment – Membership

  2. Click Add to add the Memebership details.
    The Membership screen displays.
  3. Specify the details on the Membership screen.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-40 Membership - Field Description

    Field Description
    Institution Name Specify the name of institution where the customer is a member.
    Institution Type Select the type of institution from the drop-down list.
    Membership Type Select the type of membership from the drop-down list.
    Since Click the calendar icon and select the membership start date.
    Valid Till Click the calendar icon and select the membership expiry date.
  4. Click Save to save the details captured.

    The system adds the membership details and lists in the Enrichment - Membership screen

    Figure 1-53 Enrichment – Membership List

  5. Click Next to move to the Onboarding Enrichment – Financial Profile segments.