1.3.2 Signatures

This topic provides information about the customer signatures.

To add the signature:


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
  1. Click Next in theBasic Info screen.
    The Signatures screen displays.

    Figure 1-43 Enrichment – Signatures

  2. On the Signatures screen, click the Add icon. icon.
    The Add Signature pop-up screen is displayed.
  3. On the Add Signature screen, upload the customer’s signature.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-34 Add Signature - Field Description

    Field Description
    Upload Signature Drag and drop the signature file or click on Select or drop files here to browse and upload the signature from the local system.
    Uploaded Signature Displays the uploaded signature.
    Remarks Specify the remarks related to the signature.
  4. Click Add to add the signature.
    The added signature is displayed on the Signature screen.


    • Users can upload up to 5 signatures of a customer
    • PNG & JPEG file formats are supported
    • On approval signature will be handed off to CIF (FCUBS)
  5. Click Next to move to the Onboarding Enrichment – Relationships segment