1.3.1 Onboarding Enrichment - Basic Information

In addition to the business details, address, and social profile captured in the Initiation stage, the RMs can add important dates, supporting documents, and photos of the customer in the Basic Info screen.

The following details that are captured in the Initiation stage will be populated in this screen:
  • Business Details
  • Address
  • Social Profile

To add the basic information:


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
  1. Click Acquire and Edit in the Free Tasks screen for the application for which the Onboarding Enrichment stage has to be acted upon.
    The Onboarding Enrichment - Basic Info screen displays.

    Figure 1-30 Enrichment – Basic Info

  2. On the Initiation - Basic Details screen, click and expand the Business Details section.
    The Business Details screen displays.

    Figure 1-31 Enrichment – Basic Info – Dates

    For information on adding Business Details, Address and Social profile, please refer to the Onboarding Initiation - Basic Details.

    For information on the De-dupe check, please refer to the Onboarding Initiation - Basic Details.

  3. Click and expand the Dates section to add important dates of the customer.
  4. On the Dates segment, specify the details. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-18 Dates – Field Description

    Field Description
    Date Type Select the date type from the drop-down list.
    Upload Photo Click Upload and select the photo to be uploaded.
    Date Click the calendar icon and select the date.
    Add More Click to display the fields related to important dates.
  5. Click and expand the Supporting Documents section to add the supporting documents.
    The Supporting Documents screen displays.

    Figure 1-32 Enrichment – Basic Info – Documents

  6. Click Add button to add the Supporting Documents.
    The Document screen displays.

    Figure 1-33 Enrichment – Basic Info – Documents

  7. On the Document screen, specify the details.

    Table 1-19 Document - Field Description

    Field Description
    Document Name Select the document name from the drop-down list.
    Document Number Specify the document number.
    Document Issue Date Click the calendar icon, and select the issue date of the document.
    Document Expiry Date Click the calendar icon, and select the expiry date of the document.
    Upload Documents Click Add icon icon and select the document to be uploaded or drag and drop the documents.
    Uploaded Documents Displays the uploaded documents.
  8. Click Save to save the documents details.


    You can also select the required item from the list and click Edit/Delete to modify/delete the added document details.
  9. Click Next to move to the Onboarding Enrichment - Stakeholder Details segments.